Lazy Donkey

Ramu owns a donkey called Krishna. Ramu is a very tolerant and kind master. The donkey is lazy and is always finding ways to avoid work.

Once while returning with loads of salt on his back,  Krishna  falls in the river. He realize that the fall has lessened the weights of the sacks as the salt has dissolved in the water.
The next few days  Krishna  purposely falls into the water everyday. Ramu is unhappy at the way  Krishna  is behaving because he is losing lots of money in the process. He decides to teach  Krishna  a lesson.
The next day instead of salt bags he loads  Krishna  with bags of cotton.  Krishna  is unaware of the change. As planned, he falls into the water and gets the bags wet. He is surprised to find the load unbearable. 
Krishna learns his lesson and starts behaving..

Moral: Work honesty and sincerely because laziness will ruin you.

About BilalHussain

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